So I’m a ‘good church girl’. I’ve attended church all of my life. My parents dutifully sent me to church every Sunday, for every youth cookout, choir rehearsal, trick-or-treat night and Easter egg hunt. I loved my time in my childhood church home. We had loads of fun! Then off to college I went.
During my freshman year at NCSU, a sweet fellow student, Beth, working with Campus Crusade for Christ, came by to tell me about Jesus’ love for me. Having attended church all of my life, I had never quite heard the story like this. Every Sunday at the close of each sermon, my pastor would stand front and center, open his arms and say ‘For those out of the ark of safety, let him come.’ I thought, ‘What is this ‘boat’ thing and I’m feeling pretty safe already.’ Needless-to-say, when Beth told me, what was to me, a different story, I was intrigued. I knew I was missing something and thought, ‘Ah-ha, this is it!’ I gave my life to Christ (that’s churchese for became a Christian) in March of 1981 and began a life-long learning adventure about God and all He is.
I was fortunate and blessed to study under the tutelage of Dr. Shelton Murphy while in college where I learned so much about godly principles and how to actually live a practical godly life. It was an amazing time and space in which to grow and become. I wish everyone could have what we had during that time. It was incredible and many have gone on to serve in many ministry arenas.
Fast forward to adulthood where I have served as a children’s leader with the international organization Bible Study Fellowship, youth choir director, Sunday school teacher and women’s group leader and facilitator in both my local church and the corporate world, mentor to other women.
So when talking about the “Why” of this blog, my deepest love is to share Christ with other women, to come alongside them as we grow together in the things of God, to introduce women to Him as a real and loving God who genuinely cares for us and values us as contributing humans to this world. We all have a story to share, love to give and comfort to provide as we continue to move through this thing called life. It is my hope to connect with others along their life journeys, to share our ups and downs and become better because of it. As Proverbs 27:17 says, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
I hope we can continue to become who God intends us to be…together!